1. Open the Admin Center.

  2. Click on Console Users and then Import Users (CSV).

  3. Click on Download CSV Template.

  4. Open the downloaded CSV in an editor of your choice (e.g. Microsoft Excel) and fill in the required information. An example user row has been created automatically in the template, this should be deleted before importing.

    This file contains contains the following template required to create user accounts:

    Field    DescriptionRequiredAllowed ValueDefault Value
    EmailThe email address the user will use to login to Senso.Yes256 characters maximumN/A
    DisplayNameThe user's display name. This is displayed on Senso Client devices when running modules such as Send Message. No256 characters maximumConsole User
    RoleThe name of the role(s) the user should be assigned.

    The role has the following requirements:
    1. The role name must be unique within the organization
    2. The role must already exist
    3. The role name must match by spelling exactly
    4. The role must be visible to the administrator importing the CSV

    If adding multiple roles, use a semicolon as the delimiter e.g. (Role1;Role2)

    No256 characters maximum per role

    SiteThe name of the site(s) the user should be assigned to.

    This will limit the visibility of the user to specified site to allow for management by administrators at that site. If omitted, this user will only be manageable by users with the Organization Admin role.

    The site has the following requirements:
    1. The site name must be unique within the organization
    2. The site must already exist
    3. The site name must match by spelling exactly
    4. The site must be visible to the administrator importing the CSV

    If adding multiple sites, use a semicolon as the delimiter e.g. (Site1;Site2) 
    No50 characters maximum per siteNone
    SendVerificationIf TRUE the user will receive an email with a link to verify their account and set a password once their account is created. If using Office 365 or Google SSO to login to Senso this is not required.NoTRUE or FALSEFALSE
    DataSyncOnly for Google Classroom Sync users: If TRUE and Google Classroom Sync has been configured the user's Google Classrooms will be imported into Senso.
    OverwriteOverwrite the user if they already exist within the organization.NoTRUE or FALSEFALSE


    Allows you to add users Who are apart of another organisation as a delegated user.

    Note if this is set to true, only one role can be assigned to the user.

    If multiple roles are configured they will be imported with the first one set.

    IMPORTANT: The above information should be entered on a new row for each user

  5. Once you have completed entering the user data into the CSV return to Import Users (CSV) in the Senso Portal and click on Select CSV.

  6. A browse window should appear. Browse to the CSV file and select it.

  7. You should now see a table with the contents of your CSV on screen. Confirm the data is correct and then click Start Upload.

    IMPORTANT: Do not navigate away from the page until the import is complete

  8. The Status column will update as each user account is created with one of the following:

    Success    The user account was created successfully.
    Already Exists
    The user account failed to create because the user account already exists within your organization.
    FailedThe user account failed to create. Confirm that the user doesn't already have an account in another organization.
    License limit reached
    The user account failed create because the license limit for console users has been reached. If you require more licenses please contact support.
    Site not found
    The user account failed to create because the specified site could not be found. Confirm that the site exists and that the name matches.
    Ambiguous site name detected
    The user account failed to create because more than one site has been found with the specified name. Please ensure that site names are unique within your organization.
    Role not foundThe user account failed to create because the specified role could not be found. Confirm that the role exists and that the name matches.
    Ambiguous role name detected
    The user account failed to create because more than one role has been found with the specified name. Please ensure that role names are unique within your organization.
    No AccessThe user account failed to create because you lack the required access rights to create user accounts.