The Send File module consists of two tabs:

  • Files 
  • Upload


Upload Tab

Before you are able to send a file you must first upload it to your personal storage area within the Senso console

Select the Upload tab and then click the Choose file button.

A screenshot of a cell phone 
Description automatically generated

You may enter a description which is optional, then click the Upload File button. Once the file has been uploaded it will load the Files tab automatically for you.  

A screenshot of a cell phone 
Description automatically generated

Files Tab

This will display all files that you have personally uploaded to your personal storage area. Select the files to send and click Confirm.

Additional Features:

Save To Location (Leave Empty for My Documents)

This will automatically save the files to the users My Documents area in a folder called SensoReceivedFiles (C:\Users\User1\Documents\SensoReceivedFiles). If you specify a new location then the user must have sufficient rights to access the location.


This will only work for executable files.


Automatically run after sending

Checking this option will allow the file to be opened as the logged.


Run As: Username, Password, Domain

This allows you to use different credentials to the logged in user. This is especially good for elevating privileges for installing software.