Note - Currently it is only possible to have one remote session at a time, if you attempt to establish a remote session with two or more devices you will see this message.

To remote control a device using the Remote Control Module.

  1. Log into your senso console

  2. Select the appropriate folder from the Groups window that contains the desired device.

  3. Select the device you wish to remote control.

  4. Click on the Remote Control icon from the toolbar located towards the top of your browser window.

      5. When the remote control session loads you can manage the session from the menu bar above the screen display.

You have the following options in the Remote Control Window 

1.  When the remote control sessions starts you will only be able to view the device, to enable remote control click the Full Control button.

2. Choose Share Control so both you and the end user have control of the device. 

3. The screen quality can be changed from the Quality drop-down.  When trying to remote control a device over a slow connection reducing the quality can improve the performance.

4. Click Switch Monitor to see other screens in a dual monitor setup. 


5. Click Screen Scale to change the screen size in Remote Control View

6. Click Save Screen to save a screen shot of what is actively showing in the Remote Control View

7. Click Settings to change the capture mode on Windows devices to Legacy.

8. Clicking the full screen box will make the remote control session fill the browser window, clicking this button again will return you to the default settings.

9. Click the red X to end the session.

Note - When using the remote control module it isn't possible to switch groups and the groups will not display in the Groups tab.