Configurating the Logging policy is important for school safeguarding. It tracks user activity, including applications, websites, and keyword detection, ensuring proactive intervention and a secure learning environment. Accessing this feature requires your license to include the "logging and blocking" module.

Enabling the Policy

The policy can be applied at Organisation, Site or group level. We recommend using policy groups to allow flexibility 

Review the scope you require, in this example we will be creating a student policy onto a group :

Select the policies tab located to the right at the top of the window

Click on the Plus button at the to create a new policy, type a name for the policy and click Confirm

Click on items for the new policy container

Click on the Plus button to add a new Policy Item

Enter a name and select Logging and Blocking in the drop down box

Configuration and Settings

We now need to examine each setting to tailor it to your site's specific needs. Below, we will outline the functionality of each option and demonstrate how it can be utilized to optimize your Senso configuration. Senso has 2 drivers to achieve this SensoHDriver (Application) and SensoWFP driver (Network)

Hook drivers intercept and modify network packets at lower levels of the networking stack, while WFP drivers operate at a higher level and provide a more structured and powerful framework for network filtering and firewalling. Senso utilizes a WFP driver to take advantage of the more powerful framework.

Monitor Written Phrases - This will enable keyword detection

Monitor and Log Applications - This will enable logging and blocking of applications in use, using SensoHDriver

Log and Block - Log and block applications - Enables SensoHDriver
Log Only - Only log application use -Enables SensoHDriver
Off - Do not track application use - Disabled SensoHDriver

If configured to log only or log and block Senso will apply the sensohdriver to applications unless whitelisted, to prevent applications being injected here, please exclude in the below field :

Monitor and Log Website Activity - This will enable tracking of websites visited, this may also require some addresses to be excluded from inspection if they require their own certificate

Log and Block - Log and block websites - Enables Senso SSL Cert
Log Only - Only log website access - Enables Senso SSL Cert
Off - Do not track website use - Disables Senso SSL Cert

Please note if you have IWF URLS and\or CRITU libraries selected, this will enforce our SSL cert to all websites unless whitelisted regardless of the above settings.

If configured to log only or log and block Senso will apply our SSL certificate to websites unless whitelisted, to allow websites to apply their own certificate, you can whitelist in the below field :

You are able to exclude specified window titles from logging violations. By default, any window title containing "CPOMS" or "MYCONCERN" will not have violations logged against it. You manage this through the below field:

  1. If you want to only filter certain applications enter the application name into the box

  2. If you want to avoid SSL inspection on applications, folders, IP addresses or web addresses then fill out input the exclusion into the required box.

  3. Select whether you want to have adverts and flash video disabled by ticking the boxes

  4. Choose which Detection libraries you want to have enabled. Click the tick box in the top left to select all

  5. At the bottom of the page click confirm to save the policy you have set up.

  6. Go back to the main policies page. Click on Edit for the policy you have just created.

  7. Select the tick box for Enable. Click Confirm.