Please complete all steps to ensure that chats are monitored. Domain mapping or Group Map is required for logs to show in the portal.

If you are using senso for the first time. Once you have been licensed, you will receive an email that will ask you to create a new password. When that is done, go to to log in.


You need to be an Global Admin on your Office 365 Tenancy.  In addition, we recommend that you disable the ability for users to edit/delete messages due to limitations from Microsoft to be able to see the original message sent in Teams prior to it being edited or deleted. You can set this as a policy change for all users, or specifically target groups of users.


 1. Once logged into the Portal, go to the Admin Centre 

2. Go to Data Sync in the list on the left. 

3. Go to the Microsoft Teams (Monitoring) Tab

4. Click on Authorize Senso. You will then either be asked to Logged into Microsoft Online, or you will be taken to a page like below:

5. Read the Permissions that the App would like to access and Click on Accept. You will then be taken to a Setup Page. Add a Friendly Name if its not already populated. We recommend using the O365 Tenancy Holders Organisation Name. Tick Monitor All Teams Chats and Monitor All Teams Channels*

Domain Mapping

Important: Do not configure domain mapping for any sites you wish to map using security groups, as domain mappings will supersede them.

Note: If you are a Multi-site Tenancy with a Single Domain, please skip to

the Group Mapping section

1. Go back to the Microsoft Teams (Monitoring Tab) and Select the Tenancy that you just added by Clicking Options. Then Click on Domain Mapping.

2. Here you will see a list of Domains that are registered to your Microsoft 365 Tenancy. 

Match the Domains to the relevant school Site in Senso. 

3. Click Save 

Group Mapping

1. Go back to the Microsoft Teams (Monitoring Tab) and Select the Tenancy that you just added by Clicking Options. Then Click on Group Mapping.

2. Here you will see the list of Sites you have created (Adding a New Site). 

Using your Azure Active Directory Security Groups, you can match them to the Relevant School Site in Senso. 

Configure Users using this setup to ONLY see logs for a specific site.

Note: You will need to make sure that each Security Group has all the relevant users you want to monitor at each site.

3. Click Save

You have now successfully Setup Microsoft Teams Chat Monitoring.

Note: Settings could take up to 30 minutes to take effect before Chat violations start occurring.

*Monitor All Teams Chats - Monitors all Private Chats been 2 individuals or a group chat of Individuals in the Tenancy.

*Monitor All Teams Channels - Monitors all Channels across All Teams in the Tenancy