Share integration groups across console user's accounts.

Allow console users and roles to view a certain Integration group:

  1. Switch to the integration user who owns the group you want your console users or roles to see.

  2. Click on the Key Icon to the left of the integration group header.

  3. Click on the "Add User/Role" button.

  4. Tick the group(s) you want to allow the console user or role access to and click next.

  5. Tick the console user or role that you want to allow to view that group and set the group access level in the drop down to View, Modify or Full. Once that had been done click add.
    NOTE:If you are adding your own account you will need to select "Full" to view the group permissions

Enable roles to setup this permission:

  1. Navigate to the roles section within the admin center
  2. Select the role you want to apply this permission to and click "edit"
  3. Click on the permissions tab, search for "Manage Group Bulk Access" and tick the permission. Click confirm once this is done. This role will now have the required perm