The ClassLink integration is an automatic solution to pull across your existing Roster Server data into Senso.Cloud. The data ingested includes Teachers, students and classes. A first sync will pull down all the relevant data we require to build up the Senso groups you can use for your classroom monitoring. These groups will be user assigned based on the teacher of the class. If a teacher does not exist the data will be stored and upon adding/importing a user for that teacher into Senso, the groups will be synced across. A user group resync option is also available to manually sync across a user’s groups. We do this automated sync each day at the same time, but it is possible for users to perform a full data resync.
1. ClassLink Roster Server Admin
2. Add Senso.Cloud as an Approved Application on your Roster Server.
For assistance with adding Senso.Cloud as an approved application, see ClassLink’s documentation here
1. Once logged into the Portal, go to the Admin Center2. Navigate to the Intergrations tab on the left of the Admin Center
3. Navigate to the ClassLink tab within the available integrations
4. Click on "add intergration" and Insert the required ClientId and ClientSecret into the provided fields.
(These details can be found within your Roster Server -> Settings -> “Server Details” page. Alternatively these can be provided by a Senso support member)
5. Once the Save button is clicked the Client Id and Secret will be sent off for verification. If verified your integration will then be processed through. If the screen returns to the above settings screen reach out to our support team where we can look into any issues. Once the integration has been processed you’ll be presented with the following screen