Do you use Google Classrooms?  

If yes, Senso can sync your classes straight in to the Senso web portal for you.  

Have your admin follow a few simple steps and that's it to have Google Classrooms sync and appear in your Senso users portals.

To Setup Google Classroom Sync in your Google Admin Console:  

  1. Open Google Admin (
  2. Select the Chrome
  3. Security, Access and Data Control, API Controls
  4. Choose Manage Domain Wide Delegation located at the bottom of the page
  5. Choose Add New
  6. Under Client ID copy and paste the line below.


8. Under OAUTH Scopes copy and paste all of the URL's below at once into the dialog box.,,

Click Authorize

9. To access the user’s Display Name to add as an option to view within the portal, the following client ID and scope will need to be added in addition to the above API/Scope to the allow API clients in Google Admin (this is the same area as above)

Client ID


Names will be displayed next to email in the list view to match Windows. Can be filtered in thumbnails to only show email or display name.

Click Authorize

Syncing Google Classrooms in Senso Admin Portal

  1. Open the Senso Web Portal
  2. Admin Center
  3. Intergrations

Click the Plus Icon to add your G Suite for Education domain. 

Please note It can take up to 5 minutes before your Google Domain will show up. Please try again after 5 minutes if your domain has not populated into the senso portal. You must have at least one G Suite for Education Domain to add, however, you can add multiple G Suite domains if needed.

*Note, at least one user account from the G Suite Domain needs to be present in the Senso Console as a user and have Data Sync Enabled checked on their account in Senso and have a Google classrooms associated with it for data to sync into the portal.

  1. Domain to Sync - Select your Google Domain
  2. Sync Administrator Email - This email account needs to be Super Admin account that has access to read data for all users in the G Suite domain you wish to sync

  3. Leave Enabled checked

    Note: If you are still adding users you may wish to leave this unchecked as once you click confirm it will sync your users within 30 minutes.  Any users you add after that will have to wait for the next automatic sync which happens once at 12:00 UTC and again at 24:00 UTC. This may change without notice.  You are able to perform a manual sync once every 6 hours but not within 2 hours of the last sync.  

  4. Click Confirm

You will need to make sure that you have "Data Sync" set to "Enabled" for the teachers and co teachers of the classes you are syncing. Without this enabled they will not be able to view their classes. Enable/Disable Google Classroom Sync for Individual Users