How to Import a Single User

  1. Go to the Admin Centre and then go to Intergration.

  2. Click on the Microsoft Teams (Sync).

  3. Click on Options and Click on User Import.

  4.  Select the user you would like to Import.

  5. Select a Role you want to give the user and Site(s) you would like to assign the user to.

  6. Click on Import

  7. Once complete, you can then go to Console Users>Manage Users and confirm the user appears in the list

How to Bulk Import Users

  1. Go to the Admin Centre and then go to Data Sync.

  2. Click on the Microsoft Teams (Sync)

  3. Click on Options and Click on User Import.
  4.  Click on Bulk Imports.

  5. From here you can either Select All, or Select Multiple Users by Clicking on the Drop Down and selecting the users you would like to Import.

  6. Select the Role you would like to assign to all the users and Select the Site Assignment(s).

  7. Click Import Users.

  8. Once complete, you can then go to Console Users>Manage Users and confirm the user appears in the list and amend any extra settings show you need to.