1. Navigate to 'Notification Groups'

  2. Click 'Create Notification Group'

  3. Give the group a name and description, in our example we are setting up alerts for Urgent and Critical only so we have included this in the description:

  4. If you want all devices to be covered, no filters are needed. However, if you wish to email staff violations to X user and student violations to Y user, two separate policies with different filters will be required to identify the correct users. In this example, we will configure alerts specifically for student devices using the AD group filter 'Student' excluding any 'staff' AD group users.

    You can filter on the following :

    Username: Email address or Active Directory usernames
    E-Mail: Use the logged in Users Email address
    Display Name: Uses the display name from the user signed in
    AD Group: AD group membership devices belong to
    Device Name: based off of naming convention for devices.
    Remote Host: the Host name or IP Address of the Remote Host.
    Remote Host: the Host name or IP Address of the Remote Host.
    Pubic IP: The devices WAN IP
    Private IP: The devices LAN IP

  5. Setting up severity and recipients for the alerts , in our example we are setting up 'Urgent' and 'Critical' emails only to go to two users :

    Select '+ Add Alert Setting'

    Use the slider to assign which level of alerts are sent via email :

    By default, you do not configure Custom Rulesets and Global Rulesets, as they are used to direct mail flow based on the type of violation. In this example, we are setting up all categories, so these fields will remain unpopulated.

    Select the users you wish to send an email to when a violation is triggered :

  6. Click Save – Email alerts will now be sent to the selected accounts based on the defined scope.