Enabling the Logging policy will allow us to report on websites visited and monitor keystrokes to identify violations

How To Configure A Logging Policy

  1. Navigate to your Admin Centre

  2. Locate the Logging tab on the left hand side

  3. Once located click on "Create Policy"


  1. Type a name for this policy in the below box

  2. Select the Site you would like this be active on, you can also select a parent group for this to be set on

  3. Toggle the relevant settings that you require


  • Purpose: Determines whether the policy is active or inactive.


  • Purpose: Ensures that this policy overrides all other configured logging policies.


  • Purpose: Allows this policy to be combined with other active logging policies.


  • Purpose: Permits other policies to take precedence over this one.

Policy Items

1. Monitor Keystrokes

  • Purpose: Enables the monitoring of keystrokes within specified applications and web activity.
  • How to Configure: Toggle this setting to enable or disable keystroke monitoring.

2. Web Activity Action

  • Purpose: Allows the client to monitor and log the website activity on devices.
    How to Configure: Select the appropriate action from the dropdown menu. For example, "Log And Block" will log the websites visited and allow the ability to block website URLs.

3. Application Exclusions

  • Purpose: Exclude specific applications from keystroke monitoring.
  • How to Configure: Enter the process names (e.g., chrome.exe) of applications that should be exempt from keystroke logging. These applications will not be monitored.

4. Title Exclusions

  • Purpose: Exclude specific window titles from keystroke monitoring.
  • How to Configure: Input window titles (e.g., Notepad++) to be excluded. Keystrokes in these windows will not be logged.

5. SSL Application Inclusions

  • Purpose: Specify applications that should be included in SSL inspection.
  • How to Configure: List the process names of applications that require SSL inspection. Only these specified processes will undergo SSL inspection.

6. SSL Application Exclusions

  • Purpose: Exclude specific applications from SSL inspection.
  • How to Configure: Enter the process names that you want to exclude from SSL inspection. These applications will not be inspected for SSL traffic.

7. SSL URL Exclusions

  • Purpose: Exclude specific URLs or IP addresses from SSL inspection.
  • How to Configure: Specify the URLs or IP addresses that should be exempt from SSL inspection. Traffic to these addresses will bypass SSL inspection.

8. Safe Search

  • Purpose: Filters explicit content from search results by enforcing Safe Search on supported search engines.
  • How to Configure: Toggle this setting on to enable Safe Search and filter out inappropriate content.

9. Filter TCP Ports

  • Purpose: Monitor web traffic on specific TCP ports.
  • How to Configure: Specify the TCP ports (e.g., 443 for HTTPS, 80 for HTTP) that should be monitored. Web traffic through these ports will be inspected.

Custom Rulesets

  1. Choose which Custom ruleset you would like to be active with this logging policy

(Rulesets contain keywords that will raise a violation, to see how to configure these Click Here)

Global Rulesets

  1. Choose which Global rulesets you would like to be active with this logging policy. These are catogories that are supplied by our safeguarding team, these contain pre-set keywords that can be unsafe and harmful to students.

    Once you have your devices selected and your input populated, click run and the module will apply the settings directly to the device.