This knowledge base article is for version 2.0 of our product. For settings related to version 1.0, Click here.

Within the Senso console, users can be added either as Console Users or Delegated Users; a Console User can only exist in one location, whereas a Delegated User can be assigned to unlimited locations.

Setting up Console Users:

  1. Navigate to your Admin Centre - Manage Users

  2. Click on 'Create User' to open a new window where you can configure the user's settings.

  3. Enter the user's email address in the 'Email' field, and optionally provide a Display Name.

    Send Verification Email - Sends the user a welcome email - Please note these links are only valid for 24 hours

    Data Sync Enabled - This is required is using Google Classroom Sync

  4. Assign a role to the user. If you need to configure roles, see here for more information

    By default, Senso includes an ORG Admin role, which provides full access to all areas of the product. This role is recommended only for technical leads or advanced users.

  5. If you have multiple sites for your portal, we can configure the users access based on 'Site Assignment' , we suggest enabling the relevant site for all users :

  6. Apply any Login Restrictions you may require. For more information on Login Restrictions - Please see here

  7. Click Save - The user is now added to your portal

    For instructions on setting up delegated users, please refer to this link.